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Maping custom creation/deletion time

This feature allows you to specify custom creation and deletion times for config items. This is useful when you want to import config items from an external source, and you want to preserve the creation and deletion times of the config items in the external source.

You'll be making use of the createFields and deleteFields fields that are supported by all the scrapers. They are both a list of JSONPath expression and are used to extract the created/deleted time of the config item from the scraped configuration. If multiple fields are specified, the first non-empty value will be used.


Consider the following configuration file

  - type: $.aws[0].region
    id: $.aws[0].region
      - $.aws[0].made_at
      - $.aws[0].created_at
      - '$.aws[0].removed_at'
      - '$.aws[0].deleted_at'
      - fixtures/data/test.yaml

where fixtures/data/test.yaml is

  - region: eu-west-1
    compliance: true
    patch_states: true
    patch_details: true
    inventory: true
    made_at: '2017-03-06T21:04:11Z'
    deleted_at: '2017-04-04T15:04:05Z'

When the scraped configuration is saved in the database, the created date will be 2017-03-06T21:04:11Z instead of being the current time and the deleted date will be 2017-04-04T15:04:05Z instead of being empty.

Custom timestamp format

By default, the timestamp format is RFC3339 (2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00). If the scraped configuration follows a different timestamp format, then you can specify it in the timestampFormat field. The format is specified using the Go time format.

In the above example if the value of made_at was 2017/03/06 21:04:11Z, then the timestampFormat file would look like this

    timestampFormat: '2006/01/02 15:04:05Z'